Saturday, February 21, 2009


Em and Meg left for Winter Camp Friday afternoon.

Abbey received a "Learner of the Pack Award" (her school mascot is the coyotes) at school for her academic excellence and her love of reading. Her certificate was good for a free kids meal at Claim Jumper!

Last night, Daddy decided to take her on a date to use her certificate. They sat down at their table and ordered. Abbey ordered baby back ribs with macaroni-and-cheese and fries. Chad had butterflied shrimp. While they waited, they colored and drew and did the activities on the kid's menu, but the crayons kept breaking.
Chad said they had a great time talking and eating. As they were leaving, he asked her,

C - "So, how was it?"

A - "Great food, crummy crayons."

And that's what it all comes down to folks...