Saturday, January 31, 2009

25 Random Things

Just like my mom, I too have been tagged to do a list of 25 things about myself. Here it is... (The same list is posted on Facebook.)

1. I got married at 20.
2. I LOVE spicy food.
3. I was in the Future Farmers of America in high school. I raised pigs.
4. I love to cook and eat soup.
5. My dad lives in New Zealand. (Not really about me, but interesting, I thought!)
6. I love to take pictures and scrapbook.
7. Mountains or Beach? Mountains for me!
8. One of my favorite things to do is go to the movies alone.
9. I didn't drink coffee until after I turned 30.
10. I love to read. My favorite book is Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.
11. I collect recipes.
12. I can play on the hard and expert levels on guitar on Rock Band! (A little embarrasing...)
13. I played flute for four years in elementary and junior high.
14. I am afraid of heights.
15. I am the oldest of three and the only girl.
16. I love going to the grocery store.
17. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving.
18. I can sew.
19. Chad and I will be married 15 years this August.
20. I don't like tomatoes or fish of any kind, but I love brussel sprouts.
21. I want to write a book someday.
22. I love blogging.
23. I am the oldest grandchild on both sides of my family.
24. I love 80's music.
25. My favorite stores are Target, Old Navy and IKEA.


Chris said...

This is actually about your 8/2/08 balcony pic. I've titled it "hello God". Hope you don't mind. :) Miss you! I am hoping to post me 25 today.

Michele Lee said...

I did not know you played the flute?