Thursday, March 26, 2009

History repeats... I hope not... :)

So I have this kid...

She is independent.
She is willful.
She is hard headed.
(She is also really great, but that doesn't go with my theme today. :) )

She is just like me... (oops!)

I was going through my pictures recently and this is what I found.

This is me when I was about 3 years old. I put on mascara all by myself.

This is my daughter at 2 1/2. She decided to put on mascara all by herself.

Boy, am I in trouble...


Nicki Parker said...

I remember the day I took that picture of you. You were so pleased with yourself and you thought you looked so pretty!

Emily, on the other hand, looks like she knows she was being a little stinker....