Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I've always wished I had a sister. Someone who knows me inside and out. Someone who I could turn to. Someone I could be there for in return. Someone to pray with, shop with, laugh with, cry with, raise kids with, a "built-in" best friend. I have to admit that I am sometimes envious of my girls and how they have each other and love each other.

Today it occured to me, as I listened to Megan and Abbey having so much fun playing Barbies on the trampoline, that I might not have a biological sister, but the Lord has given me "sisters." Megan and Nichole fill all those "sister" holes in my heart.


Megan said...

Aww, Shan! This one made me tear up a little. It makes me all the more thankful for YOU as my sister "in-law" (if technicalities are a must?!). I'm so glad we share a special bond that only you and I (and God!) know. I love ya. :)