Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Recently, Abbey and I have had a few conversations about maturity. We've talked about how that now that she is eight years old, it's time for her be a little more responsible. She needs to pick up after herself a little more. She needs to help a little more around the house. She doesn't need someone to help her clean her room or sort her laundry or load her dishes into the dishwasher. She needs to make her bed and brush her teeth without being asked and without complaining about it.

Well, this morning I got up at the usual 7:00am to wake up the girls for school and get the day going. I always start with Megan and work my way around to Abbey then Emily. So, I woke Megan (always a little difficult as she is such a deep sleeper) and moved on to Abbey. I walked into her room and this is what I found. My heart skipped a beat before I realized that she must already be up. I checked the bathroom, but no, she wasn't there.

I went to check downstairs and this is what I found...

Up. Dressed. Made bed. Brushed hair and teeth. Eating breakfast.

I wanted her to grow up a little...not turn THIRTY!!

Tonight as I was tucking her in to bed, I asked her if there was anything she'd like me to pray for tomorrow at Moms-In-Touch. She said "Could you pray that I would keep my green card everyday at school (that's for good behavior), that I would be kind to others, and...um...that I would do more things without being asked."

What more could a mom ask for?

I guess she was listening.....(HALLELUJAH!)


Megan said...

Wow Shan, I'm impressed! Abbey the 30 year old! :) I love the whole reading the comics and eating cereal bit. haha