Tuesday, July 22, 2008

God is the Sun...

I woke up early again this morning (5:30), this time before the sun had even come up. I could hear Chad downstairs getting ready to leave for work and I realized that I forgot to make his lunch last night. I stumbled down stairs in my just awake state to make his lunch and kiss him goodbye. After he left, I wandered back up stairs to fall back into bed for a while. But, out my open windows I could, again, see that the sunrise was going to be beautiful (isn't is always!) As much as I was tempted to climb back under the covers I felt the Lord drawing me outside to share the sunrise with Him. As I sat there with my camera waiting to catch the sun coming up over the mountains, I was reminded of some things I already know, but somehow seem to forget in the day-to-day of my life.

GOD is the sun in my life. There may be darkness, dark days, dark moments, but He is always there, always coming back (not to imply that He ever left me) to shine new light on my circumstances. He wants to reveal all the hidden cracks and areas where the sin and lies like to hide. I realized as I watched the sky light up before I could even see the sun, that He only needs to be near and I can already see so much of what is around me. His presence lights up a situation before I even take it to him and lay it at His feet.

And you know how in movies, sometimes there is that scene, sometimes cheesy, sometimes touching, where two different characters are at opposite ends of the earth, but they are both seeing the same moon and are thinking of each other? Well, this morning I had that same thought about the sun... Whether it's me and the girls at home, or Chad at work, or my dad in New Zealand, or Andrew in Afghanistan, or the Rissers in Seattle, or Nichole in Modesto, or Jenny in Puerto Rico, the same sun comes up on us all every morning. The same God is watching over and guiding and loving us all. And though He so very obviously has different plans for each and every one of us, He has the same plan as well...to shine His light into our lives, that we may reflect it on others.

From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets,
the name of the LORD is to be praised.
Psalm 113:3


Nicki Parker said...

I'm speechless.....
(Are you sure you're MY child?)

Megan said...

I LOVE this blog, Shan. It was like a little bible study for me this morning. Thank you and God for that! I needed it. :) Love you.